The History Lesson

The Birth of Jesus

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Reference - Luke 2:8–20

Video Summary:

The birth of Jesus began with a series of miraculous events which ended with his arrival in a humble animal stable.  His earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, were simply following God’s direction and made the journey by donkey to the town of Bethlehem where the baby was born.  

Then, in the days that followed, angels appeared and announced the birth to shepherds in nearby fields, who then sought the newborn Messiah foretold by their forefathers years ago.  

Based on the story in Luke 2, this video shows how the shepherds’ lives were changed that night as they became eyewitnesses to the birth of the Messiah. 

About this Video:

A shepherd tells a story of the birth of Jesus Christ and how angels delivered this good news of joy to the world. He shares this story with Luke, a man writing a book about the life of Jesus.

Though Jesus was fully God, he was also fully man. He came to Earth as a baby who grew into a child and young adult just like every one of us.

This story of the shepherds is recorded only in the book of Luke (2:8–20) and not in the three other accounts. 

Luke records three angelic visits preparing the world for the birth of Jesus. The angels visited Zechariah (John the Baptist’s father), Mary, and the shepherds. Luke often includes stories and reactions of common people who meet Jesus and hear his teachings.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How do you think the shepherds felt when the angel first appeared to them?

  2. Why do you think God chose the shepherds to announce the birth of his Son in Bethlehem?  Why not tell the religious leaders?

  3. How would Joseph and Mary feel about having a group of shepherds arriving to see the baby Jesus and telling them about the angel’s visit?

  4. Do you think any of the shepherds became followers of Jesus?