The Bedmaker

Jesus Heals the Paralytic

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Reference - Luke 5:17–26

Video Summary:

A man, lame from birth, hears that the miracle worker named Jesus is teaching in his village and calls his friends to help him go see Jesus. Not discouraged by the large crowds, the friends lower the man through the roof to be near Jesus, who recognizes the lame man’s faith and heals his body and soul.

Most of the focus of this story is on Jesus' miraculous power in healing the lame man and the source of his authority to forgive sins. But the other part of the story is how this miracle changed the lame man long after Jesus left. What happened to him and what kind of work did he begin once he could walk and move about?

About this Video:

A bedmaker tells the story of a paralyzed man who was healed by Jesus after being lowered through a roof into a crowd. He explains to his customers why he makes beds for the sick, lame, and weary.

Read the parallel stories in Matthew 9:1–8 and Mark 2:1–12.

It is easy to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” but impossible to see with the eyes. On the other hand, saying, “Get up, take your mat, and walk,” shows Jesus’ power more clearly. He knew and understood that doubters would benefit from witnessing both.

When the teachers of the law questioned his healing of the lame man, they were ultimately asking Jesus to prove he also had the authority and power to forgive sins.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What might the people in the crowded room have thought when the men on the roof made a hole to let someone enter from above?

  2. What do you think the lame man said to Jesus after being healed?

  3. Why did Jesus mention forgiveness of sins?

  4. What do you think the people said about Jesus after witnessing this healing?