The Generous Fisherman

Jesus Feeds the 5,000

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Reference - John 6:1–14

Video Summary:

Crowds of people were following Jesus to hear him teach and witness his miracles.  Showing concern for the people, Jesus asked his disciples if there was anything available to feed the people gathered that day.  It turns out that all they could find was a boy who had a basket of fish and bread.  

Taking this small amount of food, Jesus blessed it and told the disciples to distribute it as far as it could go.  Miraculously, the supply multiplied, and over 5000 people were fed by what Jesus had produced using the power of God.  And there was leftover once everyone was fully fed.

The people were amazed at this miracle and their fascination with Jesus and his powers made them want to hear more from this prophet from God.

About the Video:

Simon the fisherman is known for giving extra fish to customers. When a couple of girls become curious about this, he explains how Jesus made tons of food out of almost nothing.

Jesus understood the daily need for food that every person experiences. He felt this himself while he was in the wilderness. He took care of the practical needs of the crowd in a miraculous way.

This story follows John 6:1–14 with a few additions from parallel stories in Matthew 14:13–21, Mark 6:32–44, and Luke 9:10–17. This miracle is one of the few recorded in all four gospels. Each account tells the story differently, but all the details fit together.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How would you feel if you had seen Jesus multiplying the bread and fish that day?

  2. How do you think the miracle affected the little boy’s belief in Jesus?

  3. If Jesus can use the little boy’s two fish to feed 5,000 people, how could he use what little you have to do something for others?

  4. Do you think Jesus can do great things for others through you?